Saturday, September 22, 2007

Looking good

These days there are soo many fashion ads, advertisements and other medias which potray images of girls who are super skinny. Haha do you want to be like them? hmm not too thin la. not so nice. Look not healthy too. These are some tips on how to look gorgeous :

- Have a good posture. It's good for you and makes you appear taller and more confident.
- Get shiny hair by rinsing your hair with cold water.
- Be confident.Confidence is what every glamour girls have.
- Party, but don't drink or do drugs. Especially if you are under 21. For illegal drugs, no matter how old you are, NEVER. It's very hard to quit drugs or drinking. And those drugs affect your brain. Drinking or doing drugs to look "cool"? If you do that, you're deadly mistaken. And those drugs will never get you true friends. Real glamour girls never drink, smoke, or do drugs!
- Smile =). Who doesn't love a warm, gorgeous smile?
- Be nice to everyone. Even you think the person is not really "cool", you have to be polite and nice to the person.
- Read many good books. Even if you are not in school anymore, you can still read books and learn! You don't have to be a bookworm. But you can't just read nothing but your favorite magazines and nutrition facts!
- Rest. If you feel tired, relax. Take a warm bath, listen to music, watch your favorite movie, take a nap, enjoy a free makeover from a nearby makeup counter, etc.
- Do not be a trend-chaser. Be a trendsetter. However, if you decided that you don't want to follow trends, that's really fine.
- Be yourself.People can tell whether you are faking or not. Nobody likes a phony.
- Plan an all-girls night. Sometimes just being away from boys, school, and other distractions will help you bring out your inner self. Be flirty, fun, and neat!


Anonymous said...

i like thin hot sexy girls. so how ?

Jasmine Tan said...

haha same applies to all sizes :p The definition of beauty is up to u to define :p